We are pleased to announce that Princeton graduate students who are active in the Cognitive Science Program may request research funds to support interdisciplinary research in cognitive science. Preference will be given to collaborative proposals that involve people from two or more disciplines. Requests should normally be for amounts up…
Please join the program in congratulating our Graduate Student Fellows in Cognitive Science for 2024-2025.
Karen Christianson, MUS
Nicole Cuneo, PSY (returning fellow)
Abby Fergus, PSY
Rachel Metzgar, PSY
Kerem Oktar PSY
The Program is very much looking forward to working with the Fellows.
…The Program in Cognitive Science is seeking applications from Princeton Ph.D. students to become Graduate Student Fellows in Cognitive Science. To be eligible, students must have a clear plan for their dissertation projects, though they are not required to have completed generals. They must plan to be in residence at Princeton throughout AY 24…
The Program in Cognitive Science congratulates Tania Lombrozo, Arthur W. Marks '19 Professor of Psychology. Director, Program in Cognitive Science, for receiving the Graduate Mentoring Award by the
Please join us in congratulating the 2024 winners of the senior thesis prizes in Cognitive Science.
The Dr. Robert J. Glushko Independent Research Prize in The Program in Cognitive Science is for students earning a certificate from the Program in Cognitive Science, and nominations for the best interdisciplinary…
The Program in Cognitive Science is now accepting nominations for The George A. Miller Prize in Cognitive Science. This prize is given annually to the best interdisciplinary senior thesis in cognitive science. Nominations for this prize may be made by any senior thesis advisor in any Department. The prize is funded by the…
Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship
The Program in Cognitive Science is accepting applications for a competitive summer research fellowship program to support undergraduates who wish to remain on campus the summer before senior year to begin work on their senior theses. To be eligible, students must be enrolled…
We are pleased to announce that Princeton graduate students who are active in the Cognitive Science Program may request research funds to support interdisciplinary research in cognitive science. Preference will be given to collaborative proposals that involve people from two or more disciplines. Requests should normally be for amounts up…
Please join me in congratulating our Graduate Student Fellows in Cognitive Science for 2023-2024.
Isaac Christian, PSY/NEU
Nicole Cuneo, PSY (returning fellow)
Benjamin deMayo, PSY
Sev Harootonian, PSY
Madeline Kushan, MUS
Dan-Mircea Mirea, PSY
Shunyu Yao, COS …
The Program in Cognitive Science is pleased to announce funding for Princeton graduate research in cognitive science. Graduate students who are active in the Cognitive Science Program may request research funds up to $1000 to support interdisciplinary research in cognitive science. Applications should be submitted through…